Monday, January 13, 2020

A World Without Children

A World Without Children A world without children would be a terrible place to live in. Everyone would know that mankind is dying and would soon be extinct. With kids around, the earth is a much happier place. Not because we know we’ll survive, but because children can brighten up anyone’s day. Children are essential for humans to prosper, and they bring the kindness and responsibility out of people. Newborns seem to be unaware of their surroundings, but in reality, they are taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of this new world.Toddlers are in the stage of becoming independent; they want to do things for themselves and have their own ideas about how things should happen. Preschool children want to touch, taste, smell, hear, and test things for themselves. School age children are often excited about going to school; their parents are still the most important people in their lives. For a start, the survival of humans would be impossible without children. There would be a select number of people living that would slowly die away, and then everyone is gone. Reproduction is very significant to us because it keeps our species at a stable population.Children are the next generation and without them there are no new generations. So basically, once reproduction stops it’s just a matter of time before mankind is no more. With no children our fate would be inevitable; we would become extinct. All children are important to the survival of mankind. Secondly, children make people responsible. With little ones around people are usually more careful. When you become a parent you have a lot more things that depend on you, so you need to become responsible to take care of all those things. Infants cannot take care of their daily needs, so they rely on their parents to do all these things from them.If children weren’t here people would be a lot less responsible. I believe some people would act as if they weren’t accountable for their action s. As an example, I had a cousin who was probably the most irresponsible person I knew. She spent her life partying and not seeing the consequences that could come from it. She had a child about a year ago, and from the way she has turned her life around you would have never known it was the same girl who went out every night to parties. I know from this that a child can really change everything about you.Knowing that you have control over someone’s life and have to take care of most everything for them can really change a person. Children are the ultimate responsibility. Furthermore, children can make people kind. Kindness is a big role in raising a child. You need to nurture them with love and compassion. All children need to feel loved and valued. Children who feel loved and successful have greater confidence and higher self-esteem. These qualities give them strength and resiliency to overcome disappointment and stress. A child left without feeling loved will have a hard l ife.Providing a child with care and attention can also promote development. Play promotes progress in all areas of development. Physical activities like playing tag, catch, or riding a bike help promote motor skills. Playing with puzzles helps children learn about sizes and shapes and how things fit together. Reading to children teaches them about letters, words, and ideas. Storytelling, pretend play, and drawing encourage creativity. When you play games like patty-cake and peek-a-boo it forms bonds with the child. Playing with them lets them know that they deserve your time and attention.This boosts their self-esteem, and it helps them learn to give and receive love. Playing board games and group games promotes social skills such as sharing, taking turns, resolving conflicts, and compromising. When playing with others, they learn how to develop and maintain friendships. Playing with others also teaches children to understand how their actions affect others around them. Gradually, c hildren will learn that cheating is wrong because it’s unfair to others. All of these things need to be put into action with kindness because kindness is one of the biggest roles in raising a child.As was previously stated, survival, responsibility, and kindness are my three thoughts on what the world would be like without children. I believe that without children people would become much less responsible. Because an abundance of people learn how significant responsibility is once they become parents, the world would lose track of their obligations much easier without the experience of very important responsibilities. Also, I think that kindness would be depleted drastically. People already know how to be nice, but when around children you learn a new type of kindness. I believe that children bring out the goodness in people.By showing kindness to children you help them develop self-esteem and teach them how to show kindness to others. The last reason of what I think the worl d would be like without children is the end of mankind. Without reproducing, humans would be gone, and that is inevitable. With no children there are no new generations being created. To put this to an end, I believe these are all valid points on what the world would be like without children. Without children I think the world would be a darker place. I wouldn’t want to live in it, and I don’t think anyone else would either.

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