Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Pro Life And Pro Choice Stance - 2358 Words

Imagine a world where you are forced to give birth to a child you cannot support financially or emotionally, a child that was produced from rape or incest, a child that would suffer from prenatal diseases, or a child that threatened the life of the mother. That is the world that a pro life advocate sees for our nation’s future. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but the moment we start to impose our beliefs onto others is where the line is crossed. The main difference between the pro life and pro choice stance is that the pro life movement infringes on women’s right to bodily autonomy. Along with the pro life sentiment is a sense of ignorance and blatant misogyny. For example, Republican Rep. Todd Akins stated, on the issue of pregnancy as a result of rape, â€Å"It seems to be, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, it’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.† Akins cl early represents the misinformation of men in particular about female anatomy. Case in point would be during the debate over an anti-abortion bill when Rep. Lisa Brown was indefinitely silenced from speaking on the House floor after uttering the medically correct term â€Å"vagina†. Republicans in the room were shocked and offended by their fellow humans anatomical structure, demonstrating the fact that if one cannot discuss a woman’s reproductive system, one should not be able to regulate or dictate it. As another tactic to shame women forShow MoreRelated Abortion Report Essay examples808 Words   |  4 Pagesor avoided. Different Presidents say different things and have different stances about it, and often it is had to know what to think about it. Basically there are two different ways of looking at it: Pro-Choice, which takes the stance of saying that it is the womans choice if she wants to have an abortion and that it is only her business. So basically they want it to remain legal. Then there is the other stance of Pro-Life which says that it should not remain legal and that it is just about as badRead MoreAbortion Report823 Words   |  4 Pagesor avoided. Different Presidents say different things and have different stances about it, and often it is had to know what to think about it. Basically there are two different ways of looking at it: Pro-Choice, which takes the stance of saying that it is the womans choice if she wants to have an abortion and that it is only her business. So basically they want it to remain legal. Then there is the other stance of Pro-Life which says that it should not remain legal and that it is just about asRead MorePro Life And Pro Choice Debates875 Words   |  4 PagesPro-life and Pro-choice debates have become very controversial over the years. The Pro-Life stance fights for equal rights for the fetus, while the Pro-Choice stance fights for equal rights for the women. Currently abortions are legal in the United States up to the second trimester. The purpose of this power point will be to explore the ethical and legal viewpoints of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice stances. Individuals who are Pro-Choice believe that an abortion is a given right and a given choiceRead MoreRoe V. Wade: The Issue of Abortion1259 Words   |  6 PagesRoe V Wade court case came about and the resulting arguments for and against abortion that ensued. Norma McCorvey was a young impressionable person who did not have the best of circumstances with regards to her upbringing as well as her early adult life. She had a very difficult childhood and ended up dropping out of school. She took a job with a traveling carnival in an effort to make ends meet. One evening when the show was in Georgia, she was assaulted by a group of men, was raped, and later foundRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life Or Pro Choice1040 Words   |  5 Pagesare two major stances concerning abortion: pro-life or pro-choice. If an individual is pro-life, she recognizes that a baby is a human in the womb and wants to protect the life of the baby. If an individual is pro-choice, she believes the baby in the womb is not alive and the mother has the right to do away with the fetus. Each view has a value judgment on the topic of abortion. A value judgment is a judgment someone makes on the basis of the rightness or wrongness of an issue. Pro-lifers judge thatRead MoreEssay on Abortion and Christianity984 Words   |  4 Pagesin the death of a fetus or embryo. Pro-Choice groups advocate freedom of choice and often use scientific examples and facts to support their argument. The contrasting view to the Pro-Choices is that of the Pro-Life or ‘Right to life’ group. They believe that all life is sacred and to kill any form of human life is immoral. There is also a moderator between the two, they hold the view that only in certain cases is it acceptable, for example rape. The Pro-Choice group use a variety of arguments, manyRead More`` What I Saw At The Abortion ``875 Words   |  4 Pagesno religious standpoint regarding abortion. This information is insightful as we get an opportunity to understand abortion from an unbiased perspective and in that we are able to decide for ourselves whether or not we want to make a stance between pro-life or pro-choice. From here he methodically gives us information about the procedure and also his thoughts and emotions during the process. In the beginning and prior to the procedure Selzer’s emotions about abortion was seen as a typical day on theRead MorePro-Consent Essay989 Words   |  4 Pagesthe different arguments over the debates of abortion. One of the movements which is pro-life which is against the legalization of abortion. Another main movement is pro-choice which believes that ‘if’ the fetus is a person then the women can’t if the abortion. However, pro-consent believes th at the women have a right to choose to consent to the condition of pregnancy or obtain an abortion (McDonagh, 23). Pro-consent supports the rights of all living beings. People in the general public in non-similarRead MoreWhy Liberals Should Defend The Unborn Essay899 Words   |  4 Pageswilling to allow abortion will not make a stance on when a life of the fetus actually begins. Then, she backs up her argument with scientific evidence and points out that race has an effect of abortion. She also brings up that abortion can lead to discrimination against children with disabilities; after all, if a mother finds out her child is disabled and would rather not deal with it, she can simply abort the child. Amy Borovoy, the author of â€Å"Beyond Choice: A New Framework for Abortion?†, does notRead MoreAbortion : A Pro Choice1125 Words   |  5 Pages Joshjuan West Dr. Kroski April 24, 2017 Opposite View Pro-Choice To this day, abortion has become one of the most controversial topics across america. The biggest reason for this is that people override their logical reasoning with their emotions on a regular basis. If a person can surpass their emotions or can remove them from the conversation, the more logical choice becomes so obviously clear. Pro-Choice is the fair choice to all women in America and across the world, considering it

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