Monday, February 24, 2020

Social issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Social issues - Essay Example They are hundreds of thousands and are forced to work as slaves with little or no pay at all. They work under the harshest conditions that include receiving all sorts of mistreatment from their bosses; they are beaten up, being locked in small huts, and are badly fed with an unbalanced diet. They usually rely on the bananas and the cocoa fruits that they eat. Latest statistics estimates reveal that approximately twelve thousand to two hundred thousand children are taken as slaves in West Africa. They work for twelve hours to fifteen hours in a day, and they are ten to twelve years old. Ironically, in all the countries where slave trade is carried out, slavery is illegal but the laws are bent, and slavery is practiced at a high rate. One of the West African countries that have deteriorated in its practice of child labor is the Ivory Coast. Every year, there is an approximate value of three million tons of chocolate that are consumed in the whole world (The film). Ivory Coast is the primary supplier of Chocolate in the entire world with forty-three percent of the total worlds supplied cocoa. However, the success of this industry is dependent on how many children are exploited under the child labor practices. From the Documentary, it is shown how thousands of Malian children are transported to Ivory Coast by rogue slave traders the trade remains unknown by most of the laws enforcers since the farms are small and isolated. Traders are usually found hanging in the bus stations and targets children who are alone or those begging for food. They then lure them to travel to Ivory Coast with them, and then they exchange the abducted children with farmers who are in a need of cheap labor with money. Most of the farms are found in the plains where access of people is rare hence nobody can recognize the presence of the illegal trade among the population of West Africa. Initial works by Knight Rider newspapers

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Art history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Art history - Essay Example Audrey Flack’s paintings are quite controversial, and she represents the many female artists out there that are taking feminism to the next level by using art to convey messages of female supremacy to the society (Brooklyn Museum, 2014). The work is that of photo realism, and she has combined different images in her work to convey the feminist message. Her work consists of a blooming rose. This rose is used to represent female genitalia, a bold move on the artists part yet very creative. Blooming roses have been occasionally used by photo artists to represent female genital organs. She would avoid having to place the real picture so as to avoid a lot of controversies, and yet placing this hidden meaning adds value to the work. The blooming rose is definitely a show of female supremacy. The organ is key in giving life to all humans hence its importance cannot be left out. The artist has also placed a ring in her work. The ring possibly represents her relationship possibly with her husband. It is amusing that the ring is also present in yet another of Audrey Flacks paintings â€Å"Jolie Madame†. The ring possibly shows the power women have over men in relationships. Although largely denied, women possibly play the largest parts in relationships from performing household chores. All of these that must be balanced for the relationship to work out. This possibly shows the dominance of women over men not only in relationships but in marriage too. An apple is also placed in the artwork. This reminds anyone viewing the work of the biblical apple that caused man to be sent from the garden of Aden as very well narrated in the story of creation. The apple represents the burgeoning female sexuality considering that through the apple Eve was able to cause her husband Adam to sin despite stern warning from their creator not to eat the apple.An orange in the